Variance in Java

Variance is a cool sounding word I've always had difficulty wrapping my head around. I recently decided to start learning kotlin and in doing so I brushed up against java and type generics again. Now I think I finally have a good handle on it so lets try explaining variance in java.

#The Syntax

To start let's clarify how java represents generics syntactically.

List<String> strings;

Here I've declared the variable strings to be a List which holds instances of the type String. Meaning I'm able to add as many strings as I need.

strings = new ArrayList<>();

The benefit of generics here is that you get compile time safety both when adding values and extracting values. You can't, for example, add an int to strings without javac barfing a error.

// error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to String
//         list.add(5);
//                  ^
// 1 error


Javas generic type system is invariant. This means you can't assign a generic Foo<T> to a type Foo<U> even when U extends T. Therefore something like the following is not possible:

List<String> strings;
List<Object> objects = strings;

even though, because String is a subtype of Object, the following is perfectly valid:

String foo = "hello";
Object obj = foo;


The reasons javas generics are invariant is to prevent later runtime errors when manipulating the casted type. If you could cast List<String> to List<Object> then you could do the following:

List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> objects = strings;
objects.add(5); // runtime error

The important thing to understand here is that when we do objects = strings, we're not copying all the elements of strings to a new List after casting them to Objects. We're storing a reference to our existing list (strings) in a new variable with a different type.

Diagramatically the memory layout will probably look something like this:

memory assignment reference

memory assignment reference

Both strings and objects points to an ArrayList<String> instance.

Now an unsuspecting user that has a reference to our strings List will, sometime down the line, try to enumerate the List and do something with the string such as String.substring() and the program will crash or have undefined behaviour because it's using an int as a String.

That's why Javas type system is invariant and this kind of behaviour is forbidden at compile time. Preventing runtime runtime errors.

#Bypassing Invariance

Java introduced wildcards to get around the issues of invariance. There are two types of wildcards which gives you read only or write only access to a generic type.

what i mean by writeonly/readonly doesn't mean the type is immutable. You can still, for example, call List.clear() without needing guarantees about the underlying type of the List.

Given a type hirearchy like the following:

class A {}
class B : A {}
class C : A {}
class D : C {}


List<? extends T> puts an upper bound on the kinds of values the supplied List can take. We now have a guarantee that every element of this list can at least be used as a T so we can box it upto T when retrieving from the list. We've been granted read only access.

List<D> notWild = new ArrayList<>();
notWild.add(new D());
notWild.add(new D());
notWild.add(new D());
notWild.add(new D());

// D extends A so this is OK.
List<? extends A> wild = notWild;

// NOTE the most we know about list is every
// element is at least an A, so we box to A.
for (A i : wild) {

We still can't add anything to list because there's no guarantee about what type the underlying list is, but we're able to read from the list. We've constructed a producer of As.


List<? super E> puts a lower bound on the kinds of values the list can take. We can assign any list with a type that E inherits from to this list. Everything in the list is guaranteed to be at least an E so we can add as many Es as we need to it.

List<A> notWild = new ArrayList<>();

// A is a supertype of C, so this is OK.
List<? super C> wild = notWild;
wild.add(new C());
wild.add(new C());

// we can even add a subtype of C
wild.add(new D());

We've constructed a Consumer of Cs.


That's all I have to say on this topic, generic types are essential to working with more complex inheritance hirearchies and hopefully this article has summaried some of the pain points of working with them in the java language.