Decorators Are Awesome!

As my first post on this blog, I wasn't sure what to write on. I'd prefer something not too long, simple, and informative. After enough time, I decided I may as well just talk about a feature of python I absolutely love ❤️. So let's discuss decorators.

#First Class Objects

Before that however, we should build some background. Python supports the concept of functions as first class objects. What this means, in relation to our current topic, is that a function can be passed to another function, and a function can be returned from another function.

def add_to(num):
  def adds_to_num(arg):
    return num + arg
  return adds_to_num

See what I mean? Running add_to(5) returns a function taking a single argument which always adds 5 to that argument.

adder = add_to(5)
adder(0) #=> 5
adder(5) #=> 10
adder(-5) # => 0

There's two important concepts at play here.

  1. add_to returns a function, this is an application of first class objects.
  2. every invocation of add_to forms a closure around num. I won't go into explaining what a closure is but, suffice it to say, this let's you call add_to(2) and add_to(5) simultaneously without the local value of num in the returned function being changed.

For those who would like to further explore the second point, look into lexical-scoping and closures.

#Side Note: Lambdas

Python has a specific form for declaring anonymous (inline) functions. The lambda keyword can be used to construct a callable object which doesn't possess a name.

We could reword our above example to avoid having to explicitly name the adds_to_num function.

def add_to(num):
  return lambda arg: num + arg


Okay, now that we know a function can return another function. What if we took a function, say func, made a new function which wraps around func and then return that instead.

For those fammiliar with lisp, you may see parallels between the concept of a decorator and advising functions. That's no mistake. Decorators are essentially pythons approach at function advice 😀.

eg. Let's postulate simple use case where I've got a function that takes a single argument and I always want to add a certain constant to it before processing.

CONSTANT = 3.14159265359

def foo(num):
  num = num + CONSTANT

Why don't I write another function which automates this addition?

def add_constant(func):
  def new_func(num):
    num = num + CONSTANT
    return func(num)
  return new_func

add_constant is a function which accepts another function as an argument. For the sake of this example the func argument should be a function which takes only a single paramater. add_constant then creates a new function which adds the constant onto num, before calling the original function.

While not too complicated an idea to grasp, this may be hard to follow. We're creating a function which creates a function. It feels kind of roundabout. But the appeal of decorators lies in apllication, not implementation.

We can apply this decorator to to the previous example like so.

def foo(num):

foo = add_constant(foo)

These two approaches are functionally equivalent. It's up to the developer to decide which approach to take.

NOTE this is a bad example of when it's a good idea to use decorators; We've replaced a 1 line assignment with a 1 line assignment and a 5 line method. In this case, it would've made more sense to create add_constant if we ended up adding CONSTANT in a bunch of different functions and the addition in question wasn't as simple as adding a single value.

#Syntax Sugar

This being python of course there's a nice to apply decorators while defining functions. You've probably encountered the syntax before, whilst writing classes.

The previous example could just as well be written as:

def foo(num):

The @decorator syntax expands a function (or class) call such that it resolves to identifier = decorator(identifier). In the above example this would be foo = add_constant(foo).

It's that simple 😃.


That's all well and good, but it's not perfect. Firstly our decorators don't maintain the original functions name or docstring. If you tried evaluating the above and then printing foo, you'll probably get something like:

>>> foo
<function add_constant.<locals>.new_func at 0x6ffffac6dd0>

Similairly if you tried invoking help on it, you'd get the help of new_func not the original function that was decorated (though in this case, foo doesn't have a docstring so it doesn't really make difference).

Worry not though, the standard python library has ways to get around this. The functools module introduces the update_wrapper and wraps method. More often then not you'll simply be using wraps so I'll elaborate on that one.

functools.wraps updates the metadata associated with a function to make it appear as another function. It's easier to show than to explain, so without further ado.

import functools

def add_constant(func):
  def new_func(num):
    num = num + CONSTANT
    return func(num)
  return new_func

You apply the wraps method like a decorator onto the new method you've defined. If you replace our previous definition of add_constant with this and then try to print foo or access it's docstring, the correct metadata will be fetched even though the decorator is in affect 😀.

>>> foo
<function foo at 0x6ffffac6b00>

While not mandatory, you should always do this; unless of course you have a valid reason not to.

#Decorator Design Principles

This section elaborates on some of the cooler ways to design decorators. You don't really need to read this, unless you're interested.

#Decorators With Arguments

A simple standard decorator is all well and good, but sometime you'd like to be able to pass some configuration options to the decorator. The solution this problem is simple; just create another function.

There's basically no limit to the amount of local scopes you can create within a function so introduce another scope to hold the options.

Let's say I'd like a function to repeat upto 3 times, but I don't want to fix it to only 3. I'd like the user to be able to pass how many times they'd like, defaulting to 3 if nothings given.

def repeat(times=10):
  def decorator(func):
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
      for _ in range(times-1):
        func(*args, **kwargs)

      return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped
  return decorator

We've defined a decorator repeat taking an optional argument times that runs a functions times-1 times and then runs it once more, returning the value of the last attempt.

We can now apply this to any function we want:

def print_foo():

def print_bar():

NOTE: in this case, when not specifying a default value for times you still have to include the parentheses. If you're not sure why, think about it; if you're still not sure, leave a comment and I'll answer 😄.

Invoking these functions in pythons REPL, we'd get:

>>> print_foo()
>>> print_bar()

#Class Based Decorators

Decorators don't have to be functions, they just need to be callable. To that end you can also define decorators as classes.

In fact, the built in property decorator is implemented as a class with descriptors. Descriptors are a lesser known, albeit astonishing, feature of python. I suggest anyone who intends to use python, in a professional context, look into them.

To define a decorator as a class, you simply need to create a callable class and use it like a decorator.


class AddConstant:
  def __init__(self, func,
    self.constant = constant
    self.func = func

  def __call__(self, num):
    num = num + self.constant
    return self.func(num)

def foo(num):

TODO use propper NOTE notify.

NOTE: the __call__ magic method, let's an object behave as if it's a function. You can instantiate a = AddConstant() and then call a() just like a function.

In this case the difference doesn't really make much sense. Why define it as a class instead of a function? Well foo is now an object, not a function. That means you can inspect and modify it's instance variables (and thus it's local runtime).

Let's say you decide, sometime after defining foo that now you'd like to add a different constant to it. If you'd defined your decorator as a function, you'd need to keep a backup of the original function and you'd need to re-apply the decorator with a new constant. With the class based approach, you can simply reassign an instance variable.

foo.constant = some_other_variable

This has the intended affect, but it's straightforward, easy to read and best of all still doesn't shatter the illusion that foo is a function (because foo is still callable).

#A Practical Application

This has been a long... long, first post. I won't take up your time much longer. Let's just show a simple example of where decorators could save you a tonne of hassle.

Let's say you have a function which is liable to fail 2 out of 5 times. That is, if you run it 100 times, 40 of those invocations are likely to throw an exception. Now you'd like an easy way to be able to run the function upto 10 times, until either:

  • it doesn't produce an error in which case you return the result.
  • it produces an error and you've already ran it 9 times, so just let the error happen.

What I'm describing here is a retry mechanism for a hard to predict function. We can implement this as a decorator.

import functools

def retry(times):
  def decorator(func):
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
      for i in range(times):
          return func(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
          if i == times - 1:
            raise e # exhausted all attempts
    return wrapped
  return decorator

Any function decorated with retry will return immeadiately unless the func throws an error. When an error is thrown, it'll simply try the function again unless it has no more tries to give, in which case it lets the error happen.

Let's try it out.

from random import randint as rand

def bar():
  if rand(0, 100) > 50:
    raise Exception('too bad :(')

  return 'succeeded'

bar is a function which 50% of the time is going to throw an error. We've applied our decorator such that the function is tried upto 10 times.

The appeal of applying decorators here is in the sheer elegance of the definition. We don't need to complicate the body of the function to handle the error cases. We don't need to define a new function to call bar that handles those error cases.

That's why Decorators Are Awesome!

#Addendum (28.04.2020)

Above I stated that you had to include empty parentheses for a decorator with optional arguments, even when you don't provide the optional arguments (and just use the defaults). This isn't strictly true, there's a relatively easy way to get around the need for parens.

def repeat(func=None, times=10):
  def decorator(func):
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
      for _ in range(times-1):
        func(*args, **kwargs)

      return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

  if func:
    return decorator(func)
  return decorator

Compare this to our previous definition of repeat

- def repeat(times=10):
+ def repeat(func=None, times=10):
    def decorator(func):
      def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):

+   if func:
+     return decorator(func)
    return decorator

and you'll notice not much has changed, all we've really done added an extra parameter to our decorator (for the function) and checked whether it's been supplied or not. When it has, the default values for the remaining optional arguments are used, otherwise TODO finish thought.

All 3 of the following are equivalent.

def foo():

foo = repeat(func=foo)
def foo():
def foo():

NOTE: in the second case, the decorator call evaluates to repeat(func=foo) and in the third call it evaluates to repeat()(foo). Our new definition of repeat can distinguish between the two different invocations and select the appropriate one.