class SearchMap
attr_reader :map
def initialize(map); @map = map; end
def cols; @cols ||= map.length; end
def rows; @rows ||= map[0].length; end
def search(word)
map.each.with_index do |row, i|
row.each.with_index do |entry, j|
return true if entry == word[0] && search_path(word, i, j)
private def search_path(word, x, y)
ch, rest = word[0], word[1..]
return true if
map[x][y] = nil # prevent cycles
return false \
|| x > 0 && map[x-1][y] == rest[0] && search_path(rest, x-1, y) \
|| y > 0 && map[x][y-1] == rest[0] && search_path(rest, x, y-1) \
|| x < cols-1 && map[x+1][y] == rest[0] && search_path(rest, x+1, y) \
|| y < rows-1 && map[x][y+1] == rest[0] && search_path(rest, x, y+1)
map[x][y] = ch if ch
Source | Language | Runtime |
DailyByte | ruby | \(\mathcal{O}(\text{cols} * \text{rows} * \text{len(word)} * log \text{(len(word))})\) |
Given a 2D board that represents a word search puzzle and a string word
, assert
whether the given word can be formed in the puzzle by connecting cells only
horizontally and vertically.
First we go through each entry on the board to find the position of a letter that matches the first letter of our word. Then we start a recursive search across every path from that entry that eventually converges to our desired word.
This implementation is slightly different to other recursive solutions I've worked on in the past. Here we're passing an already valid position (some point on the board). This is because there's some extra logic we want to handle before and just after we've branched. We then check each character to the left, right, below or above of the current character to see if it matches the next character in the word. If it does we strip off one character and recurse to the next position. This process repeats until we've found the word we want at least once, at which point short-circuit evaluation avoids any unecessary extra work.
Observe also that at each recursive step, we assign the current characters value to
before branching. This is to prevent cycles in the search path. For example,
if we didn't have this nil
assignment and used the following search map:
['A', 'B', 'C']
To search for the word ABA
. It would return true because we start at A
goto the right
to find B
and then go back left to find A
. The problem never stated that cycles
were forbidden, but I felt it makes little sense to allow them so I've actively accounted
for them.
WARN: This isn't a thread safe implementation. If two different threads tried
on the same instance concurrently, then you would get
inconsistent behaviour. A thread safe approach would either have to allow cycles
or keep track of positions that've already been attempted while recursing instead
of setting them to nil
. The latter adds complexity that's out of the scope of this
exercise, but a good challenge for any who want to try it.
#Test Cases
sm =[
])"CAT") # true"TEA") # true"SEAT") # true"BAT") # false"TIBI") # false
# snake pattern going across rows"CBITGATEAESF") # true
# snake pattern going across columns"CATFSEATIBGE") # true