Validate Binary Search Tree

func validBst(t *Tree) bool {
	if (t == nil) {
		return true

	if (t.left  != nil && t.left.value  > t.value ||
		t.right != nil && t.right.value < t.value) {
		return false

	return validBst(t.left) && validBst(t.right)



Given a binary tree containing unique values, assert whether the tree is a valid binary search tree.


Recursively assert the Binary Search Tree condition on every node on the tree. I.E.

#Tree Implementation

type Tree struct {
	value int
	left, right *Tree

#Test Cases


We'll be testing using the following tree structures:

Tree a:   /   \
         1     3

Tree b:   /   \
         2     3
tree_a := Tree{2,
	&Tree{1, nil, nil},
	&Tree{3, nil, nil},

tree_b := Tree{1,
	&Tree{2, nil, nil},
	&Tree{3, nil, nil},


validBst(&tree_a) // true
validBst(&tree_b) // false