Vacuum Robot Route

func routeIsCycle(route string) bool {
	x, y := 0, 0
	for _, ch := range route {
		switch ch {
		case 'L':
			x -= 1
		case 'R':
			x += 1
		case 'U':
			y -= 1
		case 'D':
			y += 1
	return x == 0 && y == 0



Consider a vacuum cleaning robot which recieves a sequence of actions to determine the route it takes. This sequence is a string and each character of the string corresponds to a possible action: L, R, U, D for Left, Right, Up and Down respectively. Determine whether a robot will return to its start position at the end of the route.


The robot exists in a 2D plane and starts from some arbitrary position (0,0). Each action pushes the robot in some direction, modifying its position vector. For every action of the route apply the transformation to the robots position and simply assert whether the final position equals the start position.

#Test Cases

routeIsCycle("LR") // => true
routeIsCycle("URURD") // => false
routeIsCycle("RUULLDRD") // => true