Tape Equilibrium

def increasing_sum(arr):
  s = [0] * len(arr) # allocate everything at once
  s[0] = arr[0]
  for i, j in enumerate(arr[1:], start=1):
    s[i] = s[i-1] + j
  return s

def tape_div(arr):
  inc_sum = increasing_sum(arr)
  dec_sum = increasing_sum(arr[::-1])[::-1]
  return min(abs(inc_sum[i-1] - dec_sum[i]) for i in range(1, len(arr)))



A non-empty array \(A\) consisting of \(N\) integers is given. Array \(A\) represents numbers on a tape. Any integer \(P\), such that \(0 < P < N\), splits this tape into two non-empty parts: \(A[0], A[1], ..., A[P − 1]\) and \(A[P], A[P + 1], ..., A[N − 1]\).

The difference between the two parts is the absolute difference between the sum of the first part and the sum of the second part.

\[|(A[0] + A[1] + ... + A[P − 1]) − (A[P] + A[P + 1] + ... + A[N − 1])|\]

For example, consider array \(A\) such that:

A[0] = 3
A[1] = 1
A[2] = 2
A[3] = 4
A[4] = 3

We can split this tape in four places:

P = 1, difference = |3  − 10| = 7
P = 2, difference = |4  −  9| = 5
P = 3, difference = |6  −  7| = 1
P = 4, difference = |10 −  3| = 7

The smallest absolute difference in this case is \(1\), so your solution should return \(1\).


Maintain the sum of all elements while iterating forward through the array and while iterating backwards through it. Now we can calculate the absolute difference between each pivot of the array in constant time. For example, using our earlier value for \(A = [3,1,2,4,3]\).

            | 0  1  2  3  4 |
Left->Right | 3  4  6 10 13 |
Right->Left | 13 10 9  7  3 |

P = 1, difference = | 10 -  3 | = 7
P = 2, difference = | 9  -  4 | = 5
P = 3, difference = | 7  -  6 | = 1
P = 4, difference = | 3  - 10 | = 7

Each diff[i] is equal to \(| \mathit{rl}[i] - \mathit{lr}[i-1] |\). This approach is called prefix-sums.