String Case Permutations

func casePermutations(s []rune, ch chan string) {
	var casePermute func([]rune, []rune)
	casePermute = func(s []rune, acc []rune) {
		if (len(s) == 0) {
			ch <- string(acc)
		} else {
			char, rest := s[0], s[1:]
			charUpper := unicode.ToUpper(char)
			charLower := unicode.ToLower(char)

			if (charUpper == charLower) {
				casePermute(rest, immutableAppend(acc, char))
			} else {
				casePermute(rest, immutableAppend(acc, charLower))
				casePermute(rest, immutableAppend(acc, charUpper))
	casePermute(s, make([]rune, len(s)))



Given a string s, consisting of alphanumeric characters, enumerate all permutations of s with the condition that you can convert each character to either uppercase or lowercase. The result should not contain duplicates.

For example, the string "c7w2" would enumerate ["c7w2", "c7W2", "C7w2", "C7W2"].


Recursively enumerate the string from left to right, changing the number of recursive invocations at each depth depending on the current character. The idea is to use recursion to build up each permutation of the string. Exploring different branches exhaustively when the branch condition has been met.

For example, a complete path through the recursive search space for the string "c7w2" could be:


NOTE: The branched? column indicates whether this recursive step has produced only one sub-branch or more. This is the case when the current character has an uppercase and lowercase variant, which means the our solution must explore both possibilities.

Observed that by the time s is reduced to the empty string, acc is a complete string and a valid case permutation of the original string.

Lets try this again, this time exploring the branch where c was made into an uppercase character.


The only difference here is that we've added the uppercase "C" to the accumulator instead of the lower case one. This repitition of considering each character and expanding to a new recursive branch is how we can enumerate all permutations.

Observe that yet again, by the time s is an empty string, we've reached a new unique acc value that is also another case permutation of the original string.


These are the definitions of the functions that I've used in the solution and while testing.

 * Append a value to a slice immutably. Returns a new slice, while leaving
 * the original slice in place.
func immutableAppend(slice []rune, ch rune) []rune {
	clone := make([]rune, len(slice)+1)
	copy(clone, slice)
	clone[len(slice)] = ch
	return clone

 * Run case permutations and then print the output as a slice.
func printPermutations(s string) {
	ch := make(chan string)
	go casePermutations([]rune(s), ch)
	for perm := range ch {
		fmt.Printf("%s,", perm)

#Test Cases

printPermutations("c7w2") // [c7w2,c7W2,C7w2,C7W2,]
printPermutations("") // [,]
printPermutations("1234") // [1234,]
printPermutations("hello") // [hello,hellO,helLo,helLO,heLlo,heLlO,heLLo,heLLO,hEllo,hEllO,hElLo,hElLO,hELlo,hELlO,hELLo,hELLO,Hello,HellO,HelLo,HelLO,HeLlo,HeLlO,HeLLo,HeLLO,HEllo,HEllO,HElLo,HElLO,HELlo,HELlO,HELLo,HELLO,]