Jewels and Stones

def jewel_count(stones, jewels):
    stones, jewels = sorted(stones), sorted(jewels)

    count, i, j = 0, 0, 0
    while i < len(stones) and j < len(jewels):
        if stones[i] == jewels[j]:
            count += 1
            i += 1
        elif stones[i] < jewels[j]:
            i += 1
            j += 1
    return count



Given a string listing kinds of jewels and a string listing the kinds of stones you own, return the number of stones you have that're also jewels.


We sort both strings and then we place two markers at the beginning of each string, iterating through them in tandom. Once we're at a jewel that's also a stone, we increment our jewel count and push the stone marker forward. Otherwise when our stone marker is less than our jewel marker we know we'll never encounter a jewel worth less than our current stone and safely push the stone marker forward. Otherwise we push the jewel marker forward because we need to find a jewel worth at least as much as our stone.

#Test Cases

jewel_count("ac", "abc") # 2
jewel_count("AaaddfFf", "Af") # 3
jewel_count("AYOPD", "ayopd") # 0

#Alternative Implementation

Convert the jewel string to a set \(\mathcal{O}(j)\) and then for each character in the stones string, count if its in the jewel set. Checking for the presence of a string in a set takes \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) time so total time complexity adds up to \(\mathcal{O}(j+s)\)

def jewel_count(stones, jewels):
    return sum(1 for s in stones if s in set(jewels))