First Unique Character

function firstUniqueChar(str: string) {
    let mem: {[key: string]: number} = {}
    for (let ch of str) {
        let current: number|null = mem[char]
        mem[ch] = (current) ? current+1 : 1
    for (let [i, ch] of str.split('').entries()) {
        if (mem[ch] == 1) {
            return i
    return -1



find the first unique character in a string. A character is unique if it occurs only once in the entire string.


count how many times each character occurs in the string, then go through it in order and return the first character which occurs only once.

#Test Cases

firstUniqueChar("abcabd") // 2
firstUniqueChar("thedailybyte") // 1
firstUniqueChar("developer") // 0