Combination Sum

fun combinationSum(nums: List<Int>, target: Int): List<List<Int>> {
  val results = mutableListOf<List<Int>>();

  fun recursiveDo(solution: List<Int>, sum: Int, index: Int) {
    if (sum == target) {
    } else {
      nums.asSequence().drop(index).forEachIndexed { i, num ->
        if (sum + num <= target) {
          recursiveDo(cloneListAdd(solution, num), sum+num, i+index)

  nums.forEachIndexed { i, value ->
    recursiveDo(listOf(value), value, i)

  return results



Given a list of positive numbers without duplicates and a target number, find all unique combinations of the numbers that sum to the target. NOTE: You may use the same number more than once.


We recursively enumerate every combination of the input nums array and whenever we encounter a sum that adds up to target we add it to the results array (which we later return).

At the recursive step we work from the current number (in nums) to the end of nums. For each number we check whether, after adding it to our sum, we still have a chance of reaching target at some later recursive step. If so we branch.

NOTE: Working from the current position to the end of nums is used to guarantee the uniqueness of our results. If we let our solution work from the start of the array then one recursive invocation could recreate the work of an earlier one. For example if we allow working from the start of the array and use an array of [2, 3] with a target of 7. The first invocation would give a result of [2, 2, 3]. The second invocation would give a result of [3, 2, 2]. These are the same solutions. Forbidding looking back means the runtime starting with 3 will never consider a solution that's followed with 2; avoiding the duplicate.

Addition is commutative, so without loss of generality we can conclude that only working from the current position to the end of the array doesn't lose us any valid combinations.


fun <T> cloneListAdd(lst: List<T>, value: T): List<T> {
  val newList = lst.toMutableList()
  return newList.toList()


combinationSum(listOf(2,4,6,3), 6) // [[2, 2, 2], [2, 4], [6], [3, 3]]

#Potential Optimizations

#Avoiding Unecessary Stack Allocations

My implementation above has a strange quirk. In recursiveDo we're checking if sum + num <= target but in the next allocation we're checking if sum == target. Meaning we've checked sum == target twice. It's a minor performance penalty but irksome all the same.

The reason for this was that... this was cleaner to write Σ(O_O).

So in conclusion, I stand by this implementation. Sometimes good code isn't always efficient code ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌. Besides most good compilers should be able to pick up on and optimize away the extra stack.

#Lazy Construction

I'm not a big fan of declaring variables (results) only to have other runtimes mutate them. Not to mention this solution has to store the entire list of combinations in memory, which for large lists would be intractable. It's possible to implement this using sequences to lazily generate the combinations as they're required.

Actual memory performance might vary, seeing as for the very first value, we end up constructing a Sequence instance for each recursive invocation.

fun combinationSum(nums: List<Int>, target: Int): Sequence<List<Int>> =
  sequence {
    fun recursiveDo(solution: List<Int>, sum: Int, index: Int): Sequence<List<Int>> =
      sequence {
        if (sum == target) {
        } else {
          nums.asSequence().drop(index).forEachIndexed { i, num ->
            if (sum + num <= target) {
              yieldAll(recursiveDo(cloneListAdd(solution, num), sum+num, i+index))

    nums.forEachIndexed { i, value ->
      yieldAll(recursiveDo(listOf(value), value, i))

At this point I'd probably refactor recursiveDo into its own function (not a local closure)... but it'd end up taking 5 arguments. Maybe it makes more sense to wrap this into a mixin.