Brain Dump



Indicates a relationships between entities or classes.

      accountNumber: Integer \\
      balance: Real \\
      overdraftLimit: Real \\
      holderForename: String \\
      holderSurname: String \\
      holderAddress: String
      getBalance(): Real \\
      deposit(amount: Real) \\
      withdraw(amount: Real): Boolean
  \caption{An example of a badly modelled class with attributes not dependent on the class itself.}
      accountNumber: Integer \\
      balance: Real \\
      overdraftLimit: Real \\
      getBalance(): Real \\
      deposit(amount: Real) \\
      withdraw(amount: Real): Boolean

      forename: String \\
      surname: String
      getForename(): String \\
      getSurname(): String \\
      getAddress(): String
    \umlsimpleclass[x=9, y=-4]{Address};

    \umlassoc[attr1=account|1..*, attr2=holder|1..*]{CurrentAccount}{Holder};
    \umlassoc[attr1=householder|1..*, attr2=domicile|1]{Holder}{Address};
  \caption{Improved version of \autoref{fig:assoc-eg-1} with propper associations and multiplicities.}


Indicates the kind of associations we can have.

Table 1: The kinds of see page 16, [multiplicity] associations.
Mandatory1Exactly one
Optional0..1Zero or more
Zero or Many0..*None or some
One or Many1..*At least one
Finitely Many3..5From \( n..m \)

Involuted Association

Is an association between a table and itself. That is a [see page 12, recursive association].

Ternary Association

Is an association between three tables simultaneously. This is generally thought of as a [see page 13, higher order association].


Is an association where an interface is derived into a concrete subclass.

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