Brain Dump

3-Tier Architecture


The most common architectural design for [see page 13, information systems].

Built top down with clear separation between the user interface, business logic and data storage. Can come in open and closed varieties, where closed has each layer only able to communicate to neighbouring layers and open allows each layer to talk to any other layer.

  \begin{tikzpicture}[line/.style={very thick, dashed}]
    \begin{umlpackage}{Presentation Layer}\end{umlpackage}
    \begin{umlpackage}[right=1cm of Presentation Layer]{Processing Layer}\end{umlpackage}
    \begin{umlpackage}[right=1cm of Processing Layer]{Storage Layer}\end{umlpackage}

    \draw [line, dashed, ->, transform canvas={yshift=0.2cm}] (Presentation Layer) -- (Processing Layer.west);
    \draw [line, dashed, <-, transform canvas={yshift=-0.2cm}] (Presentation Layer) -- (Processing Layer.west);
    \draw [line, dashed, ->, transform canvas={yshift=0.2cm}] (Processing Layer) -- (Storage Layer);
    \draw [line, dashed, <-, transform canvas={yshift=-0.2cm}] (Processing Layer) -- (Storage Layer);
  \caption{3-Tier Architecture}

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