Brain Dump

Partitioned Architecture


A Software Architecture where different business areas are handled by separate subsystems. Uses vertical [see page 11, partitions], where each partition manages its own UI, business logic and data storage, with weak coupling between them.

  \begin{tikzpicture}[line/.style={very thick, dashed}]
    \begin{umlpackage}[type=subsystem]{Financial Investments}\end{umlpackage}
    \begin{umlpackage}[type=subsystem, right=0.8cm of Financial Investments]{Production and Sales}\end{umlpackage}
    \begin{umlpackage}[type=subsystem, right=0.8cm of Production and Sales]{Loans and Credit}\end{umlpackage}

    \draw [line, ->] (Production and Sales) -- (Financial Investments);
    \draw [line, ->] (Production and Sales) -- (Loans and Credit);
  \caption{Partitioned Architecture}