Brain Dump

Package Diagram


A UML diagram showing the structure of packages.


      \begin{umlpackage}[right=of java/util/jar]{ArrayList}

      \begin{umlpackage}[below=of ArrayList]{LinkedList}
  \caption{Example package diagram.}

Constructs uml

The package construct is visualised as a [see page 10, folder] used to group logically related source code. It doesn't show instances, only classes.

You can think of packages of namespaces used to isolate functionality to local modules and prevent name clashes.

  \caption{Example package.}

You can tag a package with <<subsystem>> (or suffix its name with a hierarchy label) to indicate it describes physically related compiled code (not exactly representative of how it is structured). For example you can have a utility subsystem with zip-utility subsystem and ps2pdf or pdf2ps modules.

Import and Access Tags

Import [see page 11, tags] can be attached to associations between packages to indicate one package imports a whole package or specific elements within the package. Access tags are essentially the same.

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