Brain Dump

Deployment Diagram


Is a UML diagram modelling the deployment of the physical system. This could relate to the number of processors, or the configuration of the networks.

It's used to show the allocation of software artifacts (exe, dll, src, xml, doc, jar, etc. units of software that have to be delivered) to available hardware. Configurations are shown using associations.

      {Apache Tomcat 5.5}{};

    \umlclass[below right=1cm of WebServer]{WebClient}
      {Google Chrome 6.0 \\
       Internet Explorer 6}{};

    \umlassoc[geometry=-|, attr1=|1..*, attr2=|1]{WebClient}{WebServer};
  \caption{Example deployment diagram.}

Constructs uml

The deployment construct is generally drawn using a [see page 7, isometric box] however tikz-uml doesn't seem to have such a shape so I've been using classes instead.

You can generally [see page 8, nest] deployments within each other and distinguish between physical and digital nodes with <<device>> and <<executionEnvironment>>. You can use this for example to specify a server running on a specific machine.