Brain Dump

Relational Database


Is a database system [see page 4, model] designed to eliminate redundancy of stored information and minimise the dependency between data items.

Logically a relational database presents a set of tables indexed as row \( \times \) column. Each row is a record, or unique entity, in the table. Each column is a field tied to the record.

Table 1: Example of a database table with 3 records and 4 fields. The first field custId is the primary key of this table.
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Relationship Types

In Relational Databases relationships are [see page 8, classified] into 3 types:

  • One-to-One (1:1)
    • Every student has a unique UCard (1:1)
    • Each bank branch has a single address (1:1)
  • One-to-Many (1:M)
    • An address contains many householders (1:1..*)
    • A person optionally has a driving license (1:0..1)
    • A woman optionally has many children (1:0..*)
    • A personal may optionally be a student (1:0..1)
  • Many-to-Many (M:N)
    • Many modules are offered on many degrees (1..*:1..*)
    • Many books are loaned optionally to a borrower (0..*:0..1)
    • Many borrowers optionally reserve many books (0..*:0..*)

Relational Algebra

Defines the operations of a relational database. This [see page 3, includes]:

  • Set operations: Union, Intersection, and Difference.
  • [see page 5, Product]: Create a longer relation combining two others.
  • [see page 4, Select]: Filter the tuples of a relation using a predicate.
  • Project: Create a shorter relation with fewer places.
  • [see page 5, Join]: Similar to product but merging one or more places.


Relational joins can come in several varieties depending on the sort of set combination.

Table 2: Listing of all the various see page 6, [joins]. In the case of left and right outer joins if a record does not match any record in the other table the columns from that other table is filled in with nulls.
Natural JoinJoins tables on the same named columns (one copy in result).
Inner JoinJoins on explicitly named columns (all are in the result).
Left Outer JoinAn inner join but also with left hand rows with no matches in the right hand table.
Right Outer JoinAn inner join but also with right hand rows with no matches in the left hand table.
Full Outer JoinThe union of the left and router outer joins.