Breadth First Search
Is an algorithm for [see page 7, traversing] all the nodes of a graph. It works by exploring the frontier between the discovered and undiscovered nodes, essentially placing nodes in a queue as their encountered and then popping them to search them.
def bfs(g, s):
for v in g.vertices():
v.color = 'white'
v.distance = math.Infinity
v.search_parent = None
q = Queue()
s.color = 'gray'
s.distance = 0
s.search_parent = None
while len(q) != 0:
u = q.dequeue()
for v in u.edge_vertices():
# Skip when already visited v
if v.color == 'white':
v.color = 'gray'
v.distance = u.distance + 1
v.search_parent = u
u.color = 'black'
We label the tree of nodes that we encounter while performing a breadth first
search as the Breadth First Tree.
All nodes where u.distance
is the same are at the same level in the tree.