Brain Dump

Max Heap


A heap with the max-heap property:

For every node \( n \) (other than the root) the value of that node is no-greater than its parent. \[ \forall i \in N A[\text{Parent}(n)] \geq A[n] \]

From this it follows that the root-node of a max-heap is the largest element of the heap.

def max_heapify(arr, i):
    l = left(i)
    r = right(i)
    # Pick the larger of the current node
    # or left and right sub-node.
    largest = i
    if l <= len(arr) and arr[l] > a[i]:
	largest = l
    if r <= len(arr) and arr[r] > a[largest]:
	largest = r
    if largest != i:
	swap(arr, i, largest)
	max_heapify(arr, largest)
Code Snippet 1: An algorithm to recursively assert the max-heap property on a sub-tree. It compares the current node with its left and right sub-tree, when the max-heap property isn't satisfied it swaps the largest of the sub-nodes with the current node and then max-heapifys the swapped sub-tree. alg:max_heapify

To [see page 12, build] a max-heap we apply alg:max_heapify to the tree bottom-up. Because max-heapify assumes the left and right sub-trees are valid heaps we can't do so top-down. This approach can be seen in alg:build_max_heap. We loop from \( \lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor \) down because the values from \( \lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor + 1, \ldots, n \) are all leaf nodes and leaves are already heaps (trivially).

def build_max_heap(arr):
    for i in reversed(range(len(arr) // 2)):
	max_heapify(arr, i)
Code Snippet 2: An algorithm to build a max-heap from a regular array (see algorithm correctness see page 13, [here]). alg:build_max_heap

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