Brain Dump



Refers to propositions acting across sets.

Table 1: Listing of the basic laws for quantifications (see see page 11, [here]). tbl:quant-laws
Negation (De Morgans)\( \neg \forall P(x) \)\( \exists x \neg P(x) \)
\( \neg \exists P(x) \)\( \forall x \neg P(x) \)
Equivalences\( \forall x (P(x) \land Q(x)) \)\( (\forall x P(x)) \land (\forall Q(x)) \)
\( \exists x (P(x) \lor Q(x)) \)\( (\exists x P(x)) \lor (\exists Q(x)) \)
\( \forall x \forall y P(x, y) \)\( \forall y \forall x P(x, y) \)
\( \exists x \exists y P(x, y) \)\( \exists y \exists x P(x, y) \)

Note: In regards to tbl:quant-laws not all quantifications are [see page 1, equivalent]. The statement \( \forall x \exists y L(x, y) \) could be interpreted as for all people there exists a person that \( x \) loves. However if we reverse the order of the quantifications we get \( \exists y \forall x L(x, y) \) which means there exists a person who loves everyone else. These are two vastly different meanings.