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Sentences or expressions which are either true or false.

Can be [see page 27, subdivided] into:

  • Atomic Propositions: statements that can only be either true or false. For example my dog has 2 eyes.
  • Compound Propositions: States the relationship between propositions. For example I've got black hair AND I've got brown eyes.

Propositional Connectives

Are the operations of propositional logic which operates on or between propositional variables. Each connective has its own semantic meaning.

Table 1: Listing of the basic propositional connectives in order of highest precedence first.
[see page 34, Negation]\( \neg p \)The proposition \( p \) is false.
[see page 38, Conjunction]\( p \land q \)Both \( p \) and \( q \) is true.
[see page 36, Disjunction]\( p \lor q \)Either \( p \) is true or \( q \) is true or both.
[see page 40, Implication]\( p \implies q \)\( p \) implies \( q \) (AKA if \( p \) then \( q \)).
[see page 14, Equivalence]\( p \iff q \)\( p \) if and only if \( q \).
Table 2: Listing of the basic propositional logic rules (see see page 32, [here]).
Law of Double Negation\( \neg (\neg p) \)\( p \)Double negation cancels out.
Law of Excluded Middle\( p \lor \neg p \)trueA proposition is always either true or false.
\( p \land \neg p \)false
Law of Conjunction\( p \land \neg p \)falseSomething cannot be both true and false.
Contrapositive\( p \implies q \)\( \neg q \implies \neg p \)If \( q \) is false then \( p \) cannot possibly be true.
Material Implication\( p \implies q \)\( \neg p \lor q \)\( q \) can be true if \( p \) is false, but not vice versa.
Law for equivalence\( p \iff q \)\( (p \implies q) \land (q \implies p) \)\( p \) implies \( q \) and \( q \) implies \( p \).
Commutativity\( p \lor q \)\( q \lor p \)
Associativity\( p \lor (q \lor r) \)\( (p \lor q) \lor r \)
\( p \land (q \land r) \)\( (p \land q) \land r \)
Idempotence\( p \lor p \)\( p \)
\( p \land p \)\( p \)
Distributivity\( p \lor (q \land r) \)\( (p \lor q) \land (p \lor r) \)
\( p \land (q \lor r) \)\( (p \land q) \lor (p \land r) \)
De Morgan's Laws\( \neg (p \lor q) \)\( \neg p \land \neg q \)
\( \neg (p \land q) \)\( \neg p \lor \neg q \)
Tautology Laws\( p \lor \text{true} \)true
\( p \and \text{true} \)\( p \)
Contradiction Laws\( p \lor \text{false} \)\( p \)
\( p \land false \)false
Absorption Laws\( p \lor (p \land q) \)\( p \)
\( p \land (p \lor q) \)\( p \)

Truth Tables

Are a way to exhaustively list the value of an proposition based on the complete list of permutations of its dependants. If the truth table of two propositional expressions have the same final column then the two expression are said to be equivalent.

Table 3: Truth table for see page 10, [negation].
\( p \)\( \neg p \)
Table 4: Truth table for see page 10, [disjunction].
\( p \)\( q \)\( p \lor q \)
Table 5: Truth table for see page 11, [conjunction].
\( p \)\( q \)\( p \land q \)
Table 6: Truth table for see page 12, [implication]. tbl:truth-imp
\( p \)\( q \)\( p \implies q \)

Note: The truth table for implication (tbl:truth-imp) might be a bit confusing. Recall that implication is an if condition then body relation. When the condition fails then the body is never run, which corresponds to the false case above. But in the cases where \( p \) is false, we don't know what \( q \) is. It could be true, or it could be false but the implication can't guarantee either way so it leaves the possibility that it is true open and evaluates to true as a whole. To put it another way the expression \( p \implies q \) could also be [see page 13, read] as \( p \) is false OR \( q \) is true.

Table 7: Truth table for see page 14, [equivalence].
\( p \)\( q \)\( p \iff q \)