Brain Dump

Story Cards


A short [see page 39, story] of what a stakeholder will do with a system written from the point of view of the person using the application.

Story cards generally have a priority, value/reward, and cost (time to develop). If a story card takes [see page 23, too long], such as 3-weeks, the client is asked to split the story card into smaller stories.

The [see page 43, 3Cs] of user stories are:

  • [see page 48, Card]: A short description on an index card. These commonly take the [see page 49, form] of a

    As a <USER TYPE>, I want <SOME GOAL> So that <SOME REASON>.
  • Conversation: Details is established through conversation.

  • Confirmation: Acceptance criteria that define when the story is done.

Note: The story we write on the card is less [see page 17, important] than the conversation we have with the stakeholder.

Story Estimations

There are 4 key tenants to estimating the size/difficulty/complexity of story cards.


The possibility of bringing about misfortune or loss.


The level of components in a system and how intertwined they are.


Refers to the inability to foretell consequences or outcomes because there is a lack of knowledge.


Refers to the amount of work to be done.