Brain Dump

Prototype Model


Is a design model that tries to build a final solution by continually [see page 12, incrementing] on a basic prototype.

See [see page 13, advantages & disadvantages].

    nd/.style={draw, rounded corners, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3cm, fill=white},
    \node (com) [nd] {Communication};
    \node (qp)  [nd, right=of com] {Quick Plan}
      edge [<-, line] (com);
    \node (qd)  [nd, below=of qp] {Quick Design}
      edge [<-, line] (qp);
    \node (pc)  [nd, below left=of qd] {Prototype Construction}
      edge [<-, line] (qd);
    \node (dep) [nd, left=of qd] {Deployment \& Feedback}
      edge [<-, line] (pc)
      edge [->, line] (com);
  \caption{The Prototyping design model.}

We can think of software as a series of [see page 48, layers] with the bottom layer being the controller logic and the top layer being the GUI. We define a:

  • [see page 49, Horizontal prototype] as testing a specific layer, such as the GUI.
  • [see page 51, Vertical layer] as testing a particular functionality across all the layers.