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Is an extension of the waterfall model where each development/researching phase has a [see page 43, paired verification] and validation phase.

    nd/.style={draw, rounded corners, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3cm, fill=white},
    \node (req)    [nd] at ( 0, 0 * -1.25) {Requirements};
    \node (spec)   [nd] at ( 1, 1 * -1.25) {Specification};
    \node (arch)   [nd] at ( 2, 2 * -1.25) {Architectural Design};
    \node (mod)    [nd] at ( 3, 3 * -1.25) {Module Design};
    \node (imp)    [nd] at ( 5, 4 * -1.25) {Implementation};
    \node (unit)   [nd] at ( 7, 3 * -1.25) {Unit Testing};
    \node (int)    [nd] at ( 8, 2 * -1.25) {Integration Testing};
    \node (sys)    [nd] at ( 9, 1 * -1.25) {System Testing};
    \node (accept) [nd] at (10, 0 * -1.25) {Acceptance Testing};

    \draw [->, line] (req) -- (spec);
    \draw [->, line] (spec) -- (arch);
    \draw [->, line] (arch) -- (mod);
    \draw [->, line] (mod) -- (imp);
    \draw [->, line] (imp) -- (unit);
    \draw [->, line] (unit) -- (int);
    \draw [->, line] (int) -- (sys);
    \draw [->, line] (sys) -- (accept);
  \caption{The V-Model.}

In fig:v-model the unit testing, integration testing and system testing phases each check the validity of the module design, architectural design and specification phases. These are all verification tests. The acceptance testing validates whether the software meets the requirements of the project.