Waterfall with Feedback
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- soft-eng
Is a variant of the waterfall model that supports [see page 38, feeding] data from each phase back to the previous phase.
nd/.style={draw, rounded corners},
bl/.style={bend left=25},
br/.style={bend right=25}
\node (req) [nd] {Requirements};
\node (design) [nd, below right=10pt of req] {Design}
edge [<-, line, br] (req)
edge [->, line, bl] (req);
\node (imp) [nd, below right=10pt of design] {Implementation}
edge [<-, line, br] (design)
edge [->, line, bl] (design);
\node (ver) [nd, below right=10pt of imp] {Verification}
edge [<-, line, br] (imp)
edge [->, line, bl] (imp);
\node (dep) [nd, below right=10pt of ver] {Deployment}
edge [<-, line, br] (ver)
edge [->, line, bl] (ver);
\node (maintenance) [nd, below right=10pt of dep] {Maintenance}
edge [<-, line, br] (dep)
edge [->, line, bl] (dep);
\caption{The waterfall design model with feedback.}