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Eulerian Graph


A route starting and finishing at different vertices \( X \) and \( Y \) and passing over each edge once is only possible if \( X \) and \( Y \) have an odd Degree and all the other vertices have an even degree. A graph with this property is known as semi-eulerian. If \( X = Y \) and the route must end where it began, then all vertices must have an even degree. Such a graph is known as Eulerian.

To prove a graph is eulerian all we need to do is find a route which covers all the edges once and finishes at the start. For a graph with an odd number of nodes we'd need to back-track through them at least once to make the edge-count even (in this case you should choose the edges that add on the smallest weight) or in the case of a semi-eulerian graph we can find a route which starts at one odd nodes and ends at another odd node.

    \node (A) [draw, circle] {A};
    \node (B) [draw, circle, below=of A] {B};
    \node (F) [draw, circle, below=of A, left=of B] {F};
    \node (C) [draw, circle, below=of B] {C};
    \node (E) [draw, circle, below=of F, left=of C] {E};
    \node (D) [draw, circle, below=of C] {D};

    \draw (A) -- (B)
    (A) -- (F)
    (B) -- (F)
    (B) -- (E)
    (B) -- (C)
    (F) -- (E)
    (C) -- (E)
    (C) -- (D)
    (E) -- (D);
  \caption{An example of a Semi-Eulerian graph. Nodes \( C \) and \( F \) have an odd
valency, but the rest have an even valency.}
    \node (A) [draw, circle] {A};
    \node (B) [draw, circle, below=of A] {B};
    \node (F) [draw, circle, below=of A, left=of B] {F};
    \node (C) [draw, circle, below=of B] {C};
    \node (E) [draw, circle, below=of F, left=of C] {E};
    \node (D) [draw, circle, below=of C] {D};

    \draw (A) -- (B)
    (A) -- (F)
    (B) -- (F)
    (B) -- (E)
    (B) -- (C)
    (F) -- (C)
    (F) -- (E)
    (C) -- (E)
    (C) -- (D)
    (E) -- (D);
  \caption{An example of a Eulerian graph. All nodes have an even valency and none
have an odd valency.}