Brain Dump

Traversable Network


Is a network which can be drawn without taking your pen off the prepare and without covering any edge more than once.

    \node (P) [draw, circle] {P};
    \node (Q) [draw, circle, right=of P] {Q};
    \node (S) [draw, circle, below=of P] {S};
    \node (R) [draw, circle, below=of P, right=of S] {R};

    \draw (P) -- (Q)
    (P) -- (R)
    (P) -- (S)
    (Q) -- (R)
    (Q) -- (S)
    (R) -- (S);
  \caption{An example of a non-traversable graph. All nodes have an odd valency and
none have an even valency.}

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