Brain Dump

Role Based Access Control


An ACM that [see page 27, decouples] and separates users and permissions by using an intermediate representation of a role.

Users are granted privileges based on their roles, for example a lecturer can add students to his class, a student can get through security gates to reach lecture rooms. These privileges are given to the role of a student, independent of the exact student in question.

We [see page 28, define]:

\( \text{ROLES} \)A set of roles
\( \text{USERS} \)A set of users
\( \text{UA} \subset \text{USERS} \times \text{ROLES} \)A relation between users and the roles they have
\( \text{PA} \subset \text{ROLES} \times \text{PERMISSIONS} \)A relation between roles and the permissions they're granted

The access control model is therefore defined as:

\begin{align*} \text{AC} &:= \text{PA} \circ \text{UA} \\

        &:= \\{(u,p) \in \text{USERS} \times \text{PERMISSIONS} | \exists r \in \text{ROLES}: (u, r) \in \text{UA} \wedge (r,p) \in \text{PA} \\} \\\\


The inner join of the users to the permissions they have through their assigned roles.