Brain Dump

Adaptive Intelligence


An innate [see page 2, ability] to use information to educate yourself on the surroundings and climate. Most humans can do this from birth. Put simply brains cause minds.

Adaptive intelligence is underpinned by the [see page 5, belief] that better understanding of the biological brains could play a vital role in building intelligent machines.

If a known algorithm is subsequently found to be implemented in the brain, then that is strong support for its plausibility as an integral component of an overall general intelligence system. - [see page 7, Demis Hassabis et al], Deepmind, Neuron Review 2017

Advantages of Brain Inspired Computing

AdaptableEasily adapts to new situations and picks up new knowledge
Parallel ProcessingMany thought chains can be happening concurrently in the background
Power EfficientMore efficient application of resources than conventional brute force
Works with noisy dataCan efficiently respond to noisy or unreliable data
Highly fault tolerantWe aren't limited to any small scale faults in the brain

Observe that a state of the art computer can solve a problem over a night, but its effectively used a full years worth of the same power a human would've to solve the same problem.

Biological Plausibility

Refers to how inspired a process can be in relation to a biological system.

Example is this algorithm likely to be found in a biological organism?