Brain Dump

General Digital Filter


Refers to a filter defined in terms of the [see page 4, general-difference-equation]. Such practical filters are defined in some order based on the degree to which the filter approximates it's idealised form.

The general difference equation is defined as: \[ Y(Z) = Y(z) \sum_^{p}{a_i {z}^{-i}} + X(z) \sum_^{q}{b_i {z}^{-i}} \] With:

\( p, q \)Number of poles and zeros respectively
\( a_i \)The output of the filter at time \( i \)
\( b_i \)The input to the filter at time \( i \)

Which can be re-arranged into a form matching the z-plane transfer function.

\begin{align*} H(z) &= \frac{\text{zeros}}{\text{poles}} \\

   &= \frac{\sum\_{i=0}^{q}{b\_i {z}^{-1}}}{1 - \sum\_{i=1}^{p}{a\_i {z}^{-1}}} \\\\


Take note that this definition is defined both in terms of the previous outputs of the filter \( a_i \) (forward paths) and the current inputs to the filter \( b_i \) (feedback paths). Also note that zeros are defined entirely by the current inputs of the filter and poles by the previous outputs.