Brain Dump

Z-Plane Transfer Function


Is a [see page 7, reordering] of the z-transform function to find z-domain-transfer-function which characterises the behaviour of the filter in terms of it's output and input when \(H[Z]\) is equivalent to the fourier-transform.

\[ H[z] = \frac{Y[z]}{X[z]} \]

\( H[z] \)The z-domain transfer function
\( Y[z] \)The output of a linear time domain filter
\( X[z] \)The input to the filter to get \( Y[z] \)

See [see page 8, common Z-transform pairs], I.E. The affect of different transfer-functions on a signal.

\( H(z) \)NameDescription
\( {z}^{0} = 1 \)Unit Impulse\( \delta[n] \) is \( 1 \) only when \( n = 0 \)
\( {z}^{-m} \)Shifted ImpulseWe've shiften \( n \) from Unit Impulse
\( \frac{1}{1 - {z}^{-1}} \)Unit Step
\( \frac{1}{1 - a {z}^{-1}} \)Decaying Exponential

Note: \[ \delta[n] = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{if $n=0$} \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} \]

Warn: The decaying exponential has \(a^n\) because \(n\) is decreasing, it's still decaying.

Poles and Zeros