Brain Dump

Gradable Lexicon


A lexicon based [see page 16, approach] to sentiment analysis. It uses grade adverbs to amplify or weaken an emotion word.

For the gradable approach the lexicon can have a range of possible values for each word. They can range from some upper maximum and some lower minimum. This approach also applies a few rules to account for intensifiers.

Rules work like function transformations. When a rule is evaluated its transformation is applied to the orientation of the rest of the words around it. We [see page 20, define] the following rules:

NegationInverse and reduce the weight when the word not is nearby.
CapitalisationAll Caps are stronger than normal case.
IntensifierStrengthen the weight of the modified word.
DiminisherWeaken the weight of the modified word.
ExclamationNumber of exclamations intensifies weight!!!
EmoticonEmojis have meaning too you know :P