Brain Dump



A power-series [see page 6, representation] of a discrete-time sequence.

It decomposes a time-domain signal into a series of inputs each multiplied be decreasing increments of powers of \(z\) (begins with \(z^0\), \(z^{-1}\), etc.). We write the Z transform as \[ X(z) = \sum_{n = - \infty}^{\infty}{x[n] \times {z}^{-k}} \]

For example for the sequence:

\begin{align*} x &=& x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3] \
X(z) &=& x[0]\times {z}^{0} + x[1]\times {z}^{-1} + x[2]\times {z}^{-2} + x[3]\times {z}^{-3} \end{align*}

We can be write \(Z\\) to indicate we transform the contents of \(\{\}\).

Note: By convention negative powers of \( z \) are used for positive time indices, that is to \( {z}^{-1} \) is the previous sample, \( {z}^{-2} \) is the sample before that etc.

We can express a convolution of a linear function in time domain as a product of the Z-transform. Which can be re-arranged to the z-plane transfer function.


The z-transform is:

Linear\(Z\{ax_1[n] + bx_1[n]\} = aZ\{x_1[n]\} + bZ\{x_1[n]\}\)
Time-shifting\(Z\{x[n-n_0]\} = z^{-n_0} . Z\{x[n]\}\)
Convolution\(Z\{x[n] * y[n]\} = Z\{x[n]\} . Z{y[n]}\}\)

Relation to Fourier Transform

Observe that when:

Z RelationEquivalent to multiplying input sequence by
\( z > 1 \)a rising exponential
\( 0 < z < 1 \)a falling exponential
complex number lying on unit circlea real cosine and imaginary sinusoid

Observe that that final case is directly equivalent to the fourier-transform.

Hence [see page 8, [given](COM3502-w08-z-transform)] a filter transfer function \\( H[z] \\) the filter frequency response can be evaluated at any frequency \\( \omega \\) by setting \\[ z = {e}^{j \omega t} \\].