Brain Dump

Sentiment Analysis


Extract [see page 8, emotions, sentiments or opinions] from texts given by humans.

SA is used to make decisions, answering questions such as:

- Do people like this movie? - Do people agree with this law? - Did people like me enjoy this movie? - What do people think about [see page 10, [us-airlines](COM3110-w07-sentiment-analysis)].

SA can be seen as equivalent to Opinion Mining, even though a sentiment does not necessarily express an opinion.

Segmentation often involves breaking an input text into:

[see page 18, Target of Opinions]A person/event/organisation. Represented as a hierarchy of features (phone->battery->life).This is an iPhone Battery.
OpinionSomething expressed about a feature.My iPhone's Battery is too short.
ObjectiveRefers to the data in the text.I payed £500.00 for this. I got a refund.
Holder of OpinionsWho this text is written by?I'm me, not you, me :-)


Document Level

Find the [see page 27, opinion] expressed in a complete document.

Is the document in overall expressing a positive or negative opinion (eg. Movie review).

Sentence Level

[see page 30, [Assumes](COM3110-w07-sentiment-analysis)] each sentence contains a single opinion from a single opinion holder.

Consists of 2 steps:

  1. Subjectivity Classification
  2. Sentiment Classification

Feature Level

[see page 31, Provides] more specific opinions on specific features of the object. The goal is provide a fine grained analysis of sentences (which can contain both +ve and -ve opinions).

For example do people like the screen of this phone, but not the camera?

Runs in 5 steps:

  1. Identify entities or objects.
  2. Extract object features that have been commented on by the opinion holder.
  3. Group similair features (eg. screen and touch screen, power-usage and battery life)
  4. Classify the opinions as +ve, -ve, neutral.
  5. Produce a summary of all feature based opinions.


  • [see page 44, identifying] all components of an opinion and their relations. Having two entities with different opinions scattered around the text is difficult to follow.
  • [see page 45, synonym] match. "Voice == Sound Quality".