Brain Dump

Price & Demand


Price is determined by the market and can be plotted as a [see page 4, demand] curve.

Demand is dependant on price, low-price -> high-demand.


A product with an [see page 6, elastic] demand shows a more than proportional change in demand due to a small change in price. Products that can be swapped for a similar product have elastic demand (buyers can quickly switch to it when a discount is presented).

A product which shows a less than proportionate change in demand are [see page 8, inelastic]. Even a slight price reduction isn't sufficient to cause an increase in demand (think luxury car).

A customer is said to be price-sensitive if a reduction in price isn't enough to attract these customers.

Market Price Acceptance

Products firms can be defined as either:

Price ModelMeaning
Price TakerAccepts and delivers products at Market Price.
Price SetterCan set the market price themselves.

A product [see page 16, can] be a price setter if:

  • It has few competitors or a monopoly.
  • Brand reputation.
  • Offers luxury products.