Brain Dump



A [see page 6, camera] gives us a viewpoint into our scene.

It can be:

  • Positioned anywhere in the world coordinate system.
  • Point anywhere.
  • Rotate about the viewing direction.

The cameras see page 4, view space is parameterised by:

ViewpointWhere the camera is positioned.
Viewing DirectionWhere the camera is facing.
View-VolumeThe area of the world that can be seen.

To convert world coordinates to view coordinates we define the matrix \(T_{view}\) such that multiplying by \(T_{view}^{-1}\) (the reverse of the following):

  • moves \(C\) (the camera location) to the world origin.
  • rotates the \(U,V,N\) axes to [see page 7, align] with the world axes.

Warn: multiplying by \(T_{view}\) often puts \(N\) onto the -ve \(Z\) axis so we'll need to account for this.