Brain Dump



The human ears main function is frequency analysis. Sound [see page 4, enters] through the outer ear, passes through the ear canal and hits the ear drum (tympanic membrane) and passes into the cochlea which passes it to the brain through the auditory nerve.

The hearing system includes the:

[see page 4, Pinna]Ear EntranceProtection and direction estimation
Malleus, Incus and StapesMiddle EarAmplify incoming sound
CochleaInner EarSound waves -> electrical nerve impulses

Direction Estimation

The slight deviation in how far the sound travels between your 2 ears (as indicated by the pinna) indicates the direction the sound is coming from.

This generally only works for high frequency sounds.

Purpose of 2 Ears

  • Localisation - Through either inter-aural time differences (gap between triggers) and inter-aural level differences (change in amplitude between triggers). See equations for time differences [see page 18, here].
  • Listening in complex acoustic environments
  • Auditory Scene Analysis