Brain Dump



Speech is the continuous production of sound in a structured form to convey information.

The mamalian vocal system is [see page 2, divided] into several systems:

LungsSource of energy.
LarynxSource of sound.
Oral CavityChanges the shape of the sound.
Air FlowDetermines how loudly you speak (small sound = small inhale).
PharynxProduces a harmonic-rich buzzind sound (influenced by body size).

The size of your lungs determines how long you can speak without needing to inhale for more air.

The stages in production of sound are:

  1. A buzzing sound (Rich Harmonic Spectrum) emitted from the Vocal Cords.
  2. This sound excites the rest of the vocal system producing a [see page 7, excitation-spectrum] with the fundamental-frequency (pitch) of the vocal-chords being the first peak and the remaining peaks being the pitch harmonics (multiples of the pitch).
  3. Given the constant sound of the vocal cords, we now pass the excitation-spectrum through the Vocal Tract to produce the see page 10, speech sprectrum.

See also SPAN, Beat Boxing and Speaking Simulation.

Larynx Independent Sound

Sound can also be produced without the buzzing of the larynx (eg. Shhhhhhhhh).

In general sound can be generated anywhere there is a partial constriction or by: - exciting a resonance (eg. a whistle) - vibrating an articulator (eg. the tongue) - releasing a blockage (eg. the lips)