3D Representations
Computer [see page 2, [graphics](COM3503-w03-3d-obj-repr)] was born when Ivan Sutherland had the idea that
geometry is **Structured Data** (Kajiya, 92).
There are many approaches:
- Polygons
- parametric patches
- space subdivision
- implicit representation
See [see page 28, here] for a list of considerations to take into account when choosing one representation over another.
Designing 3D Models
There's [see page 22, numerous] ways to design 3D models:
- 3D Digitiser - create a model IRL and then scan it into a digital representation.
- Laser Ranger - Like 3D Digitiser except instead of manually going over the shape of the model, you use a depth sensing camera to automatically pick up the shape.
- Photogrammetry - Take pictures of an object from a bunch of different angles and then use that to generate a mesh for the object.
- Modelling Software - Edit mesh directly (blender) or sculpt objects (zbrush).
- Mathematical Description - Use sin/cos waves to create a wave like structure.
- [see page 27, Sweeping] - Given a curve representing how a point varies across the surface of an
object, you can fill in that point as you sweep through an axis. Consder a
potters weel where we spin the clay and then shape both ends of it to make an
object. This approach has [see page 30, issues] with:
- Arch Length Parameterisation
- Curvature
- Reference Frames (eg. Frenet Frames)
- Procedural Techniques -
Parametrize surface attributes to create variations on a model
. You get one big shape, generate a bunch of smaller shapes ontop of it (and then on top of those shapes, recursively) until you get a final object. See [see page 33, Fractals].
We can optimize rendering of objects using see page 34, level of detail. I.E. we lower the number of polygons relative to the distance from the object. See progressive meshes.